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Home of makers community in Singapore

Lion City Makers is an online community focus on building independent profitable businesses & side projects.

Share strategies and revenue numbers behind your projects.

Knowledge-sharing community

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Connect with makers.

  • Safe Space For Engagement No spams, No shady stuffs, 100% real people, diversity-driven & celebrate your winning together!
  • For Makers & Entrepreneurs Share ideas to resources, build side-projects, support & help other creators.
  • Get Support & Feedback Share relevant topics or discuss your struggles in building or launching your products. Make your coversation 100% beneficial as possible.
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Making money is a skill we should learn.

Our goal is to build a successful & recurring profitable business. Here are some of the top business models used by successful indie hackers today.

  • Subscription Business Model

  • E-Commerce Business Model

  • Productize Service Business Model

From the community

Featured Discussions

"I've done quite a number, but have never monetized too. Atm still just doing it to sharpen my skills though so no pressure to monetise. But its definitely something to slowly pickup."

Tengku Hafidz, Maker of websheets.co

"Still new to this maker stuff so learning a lot from the rest out there!"

Yu Yu, Maker of opengraph.xyz

"Thank you for creating this community β™₯️ super awesome to have this. Yayy SG Makers unite! πŸ”¨ πŸŽ‰"

Salie Lim, Maker of moderndev.tech

"Nowadays, i work in sprints. Taking breaks more often than before, and sprinting to build on other days. It has been a long marathon of sprinting and resting, then more sprintings"

Jack Sng, Maker of hexalearn.io

Brandon Guidelines

β€œI've been looking for like-minded makers in Singapore."

Most of the people I know are startup founders who are too busy or working full-time as an employee. There are many initiatives, groups, and communities online. I find it hard to fit in with my way of doing things and especially indie-making culture. I needed community support to learn & get inspired. I decided to build this initiative to connect & learn from others.

Add valuable progress and insights together.

Let's turn your side-projects into sustainable & profitable business today.